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In the Thames-Sydenham and Region, our municipal drinking water comes from the great lakes (Lake Huron and Lake Erie), the connecting channels (St. Clair River and Lake St. Clair) or underground sources (aquifers) drawn from wells and wellfields located across the region. All of these sources of water are linked in a watershed through the water cycle. Drinking water sources can be easily contaminated. Long-term problems can develop that are costly or even impossible to correct.
Through the Clean Water Act, a local committee has been established to guide the process to develop a Source Protection Plan to protect municipal sources of drinking water. The Source Protection Plan determines areas that are vulnerable, identifies potential threats and develops plans to deal with the threats to our drinking water sources.
For more information, see the source water protection committee, Source Water Protection Plan and the Thames-Sydenham and Region Source Protection Plan Approval by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change.
You may also be interested in the following links for more information about source water protection: