Contact Us
Lizet Scott
Martin Feeney
Chief Building Official, Plumbing & By-law Enforcement Officer
Building Permits | ||||||||||
The enforcement of building codes serves to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public. Permit Applications are available at the Township Office or on our website and should be dropped off to the Township Office prior to appointment arrangements. This will help to ensure that all required paperwork accompanies the application. Appointments can also be arranged to discuss a proposed building permit application.
Forms:Universal Building Permit Application Form
Frequently Asked Questions:Q: What is the purpose of permits? A: Permits ensure that construction within your municipality meets standards set out in the Ontario Building Code. No matter what the specific project may be, the enforcement of codes is carried out to protect the public health, safety and welfare. Q: How are permits used by Building Officials? A: Building Officials use Building Permits as a vital step in their enforcement of codes. You have a major investment in the home or business you are about to build or remodel. When that home or business building does not comply with the codes, the value of your investment could be reduced. Applying for a Building Permit notifies the Building Official that you are constructing or remodeling a building so he or she can ensure the regulations in the Ontario Building Code are followed. Q: Why bother with a Building Permit? A: Building Permits provide the means for Building Officials to ensure the health, safety and welfare of building occupants. The building permit process helps you understand what the local bylaws and regulations are. Before any construction or remodeling work begins, a permit should be obtained. Building permits provide the means for Building Officials to review the design and inspect construction to ensure that minimum standards are met and appropriate materials are used. Q: What is the building permit process? 1. Visit or Call your Local Building Official. You can usually reach a local Building Official at the Building and Inspections department at your local municipal offices. The Building Official will ask "What are you planning to do?" and "Where are you planning to do it?" Then, the Building Official will explain the requirements (codes/regulations) regarding your project. An application for a building permit will be given to you at this time. This initial contact will provide the resources and information you will need to make your project a success and avoid potential problems which could cost you time and money. 2. Submit Application. The permit application requires information about the construction project. You'll be asked to document "who" will perform the work, "what" work will be done, "where" the work will be done, "when" the work will be done and "how" the work will be done. Scaled drawings, plans or other documentation of the proposed work will have to be submitted for review. 3. Wait During Review Process. The majority of permit applications are processed with little delay. The Building Official will determine if your project is in compliance with the building code, the zoning and other municipal bylaws and provincial regulations. 4. Receive Results of Review Process. A. If compliance with the code, zoning and other applicable regulations is determined, the application is approved and a permit issued. B. If compliance is not determined, your application as submitted will be denied. If you are refused a building permit, you can make the necessary corrections and re-apply. 5. Receive Permit. The building permit is the document granting legal permission to start construction. You must proceed as approved in the review process. The permit fee helps defray the cost of the Building Official's time spent in the application, reviews and on-site inspection process. The fee also gives you access to the Building Official's knowledge and experience when and if you have any questions about your construction project. An additional fee for services, such as water and sewer connections and deposits for protection to public property may be required. Inspections required for your project will be indicated on the Permit. Most building departments require you to post the building permit in a window or other prominent place at the construction site, keep a copy of the building plans at the site, and bring any proposed changed to the attention of the Building Official immediately. Changes will require a review and approval in the same manner as the original application. 6. Arrange Inspection Visits Each major phase of construction must be inspected by the Building Official to make certain the work conforms to the Building Code, the Building Permit and the Approved Plans. The person responsible for the construction project must request each inspection. Normally, 24 to 48 hours advance notice is required. If an inspector finds that some work does not conform to approved plans, the inspector will advise (and possibly provide written notice) that the situation is to be remedied. If the violation is serious, a stop work order may be posted until the problem is resolved. Another inspection may be necessary before work is resumed. 7. Certificate of Occupancy Upon final inspection, the Inspector may issue a Certificate of Occupancy at the request of the General Contractor. This certificate is the formal document which marks the completion of your construction project and gives you permission to occupy your new or renovated building with the knowledge that it has met the safety standards in your community. |
Burn Permits | ||||||||||
The regulation of open air burning in Perth South is important for purposes of risk management and environmental conscientiousness. See here for information about the 2014 information update for controlled burns and flying lanterns. Open air burning must only be conducted with the approval of the Fire Chief Official and in accordance with the conditions set out in the Controlled Burn Permit for Open Air Burning By-law #18-2014. Please read this By-law prior to completing the application process. Application Forms and ContactsTo see which application you must fill out, see the fire services map for Perth County.
Certificate of Occupancy | ||||||||||
Upon final inspection of the building permit process, the Inspector may issue a Certificate of Occupancy at the request of the General Contractor. This certificate:
For more information, contact the Chief Building Official. |
Consent | ||||||||||
The Application for Consent as per section 53 of the Planning Act. | ||||||||||
Contact Information Update | ||||||||||
Please contact the Township Office for contact information updates. | ||||||||||
Council Committee Application Form | ||||||||||
If you are interested in applying for appointment to a council advisory committee or special purpose body, download this form or obtain one by contacting the Township office during regular office hours. For more information about committees and boards contact the Clerk's department. |
Dog Tag Application | ||||||||||
Dog owners are required to obtain a licence for their dog (see By-Law #41-2006 Part 5). Invoices are sent out at the beginning of each year to registered dog owners. Please ensure that the tag is attached to the dog at all times when it is off your property. A dog tag is the best form of ID for your dog, as it will assist in recovering your dog if it is lost. If you are unsure if your dog is registered, contact the Township office. Anyone who wishes to obtain a kennel licence must complete an application form (see By-Law #41-2006). Forms are available at the municipal office. It is important to contact the municipal office prior to building any type of kennel structure, etc. as there are certain zoning requirements and standards in place.
Entrance Permit | ||||||||||
If you plan on creating a new private point of entry onto a municipal right of way, all new road access points (e.g. driveways, field entrances and laneways) require approval of an entrance permit. Entrance permits are also required for any alterations to an existing point of entry or roadside ditch. Contact the Director of Public Works for more information. | ||||||||||
Fee Schedule | ||||||||||
Fences | ||||||||||
Township By-law for Line Fences Guide to Line Fences Act, 2006 (Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing)
Fence ViewersFence Viewers act in accordance with the Line Fences Act, which sets out the procedure for the resolution of line fence disputes between owners of adjoining properties. Fence Viewers do not determine the location of a boundary line.
Contact InformationPatrick Mills R.R. #1, Granton, ON N0M 1V0 Phone: 519-225-2660
Fireworks | ||||||||||
Please refer to your specific fire area By-laws and permit forms for more information on fireworks. You can find your specific fire area by viewing the fire services map for Perth County.
Freedom of Information | ||||||||||
If you wish to access municipal records, please begin by contacting the Municipal Clerk by email or phone. It is important to note that the rules governing access and privacy under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) apply to both formal and informal requests for information. Formal requests must be made in writing using the MFIPPA Request Form and accompanied by a $5.00 application fee. MFIPPA Facts
Lottery Licences | ||||||||||
Mandatory Pre-Requisites:
More Information: For more information, please contact the Clerk at the Township. Additionally, you can view the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) Lottery Licensing Policy Manual (LLPM). Lottery License Applications and Report Forms: Application to Manage and Conduct a Bingo Lottery (via AGCO) Bingo Lottery Report (via AGCO) Application to Manage and Conduct a Raffle Lottery (via AGCO) Raffle Lottery Report (via AGCO) Application to Manage and Conduct a Blanket Raffle Lottery(via AGCO) Application to Manage and Conduct a Break-Open Ticket Lottery (via AGCO) Break-Open Ticket Lottery Report (via AGCO) Application to Manage and Conduct a Lottery Type Scheme at a Bazaar (via AGCO) Bazaar Lottery Event Report (via AGCO) |
Livestock Claim | ||||||||||
Where an owner of livestock or poultry has discovered death or injury, a Valuer will be directed to make a full investigation and a report (in writing) detailing the damage and his or her reward. Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Deadstock Disposal |
Marriage Licence | ||||||||||
Marriage Licences are issued by the Clerk's Office at a fee of $100.00 (cash or interact only, no cheques). Please read the following licence requirements before you complete the Marriage Licence Application Form. Also see the Ontario Government "Getting married" webpage for more information regarding your marriage.
For more information, contact the Clerk's Office. |
Minor Variance | ||||||||||
If you wish to use, alter or develop your property in a way that does not conform with the Zoning By-law, you must apply for a site-specific amendment to the By-law. A minor variance is a small variation from the requirements of the Zoning By-law. It is a certificate of permission because it allows the property owner to obtain a building permit even though their property or building project does not fully comply with the Zoning by-law. Under section 45(1) of the Planning Act, there are four tests a minor variance must meet: 1) Is the application minor? 2) Is the application desirable for the appropriate development of the lands in question? 3) Does the application conform to the general intent of the Zoning By-law? 4) Does the application conform to the general intent of the Official Plan? *To consider any application, a minor variance must meet all four tests. |
Official Plan Amendment | ||||||||||
An Official Plan is a document in which policies for the planning and development of the municipality are described. Proposals for amendments to the Official Plan must be in conformity with the Provincial Policy Statement. For more information, see the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Citizen's Guide to Official Plans. Council decisions on Official Plan amendment applications are based on matters such as appropriateness of the proposed development, land use compatibility, servicing and need and justification provided. See the application for Local Official Plan Amendment. |
Pre-Authorized Payment | ||||||||||
See the pre-authorized payment plan form for information regarding this option for paying your property taxes. Forms: There are two convenient withdrawal options:
Please note that if you change properties a new pre-authorized form must be completed. |
Septic | ||||||||||
For septic information, contact the Chief Building Official. |
Site Plan Approval | ||||||||||
Prior to making an application a proponent is required to pre-consult with the Township to determine the appropriateness of the request and review submission requirements. If the applicant is not the owner of the subject land, a written statement by the owner which authorizes the applicant/ agent to act on behalf of the owner as it relates to the subject application, must accompany the application. Site Plan approval is valid for one (1) year from the date of approval. If a building permit is not issued during this time, Site Plan approval is void. In accordance with Section 41 (7) of the Planning Act RSO 1990, the Township may require the owner of the land to meet certain conditions to the approval of plans. See Application for Plan Development Agreement (section 41 of the Planning Act, 1990) for more information. |
Special Event Permits | ||||||||||
See the hyperlinks below for more information: Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Application for a Special Occasion Permit Guide |
Subdivision Approvals | ||||||||||
Please go the Perth County Planning and Development site for information about Plan of Subdivision or Condominium. |
Water Connection Application | ||||||||||
For information on Water Connection Applications contact the Dircetor of Public Works. | ||||||||||
Zoning By-law Amendment | ||||||||||
The Zoning By-law of the municipality implements the policies of the Official Plan. This By-law controls the use of land by dividing the municipality into different land use zones, with detailed map. It specifies exactly:
Proposals for amendments to the Zoning By-law must be in conformity with the Official Plan. Where such proposals do not conform to the Official Plan, the applicant has the option of applying to amend the Official Plan. Council decisions on Official Plan amendment applications are based on matters such as appropriateness of the proposed development, land use compatibility, servicing and need and justification provided. See the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs website for a series of Citizen's Guides to Land-use Planning. See the relevant application forms below: |